Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Excuses not to Exercise

We all have them, don't we? Excuses not to get on the treadmill or go for a bike ride or to lay down and do some crunches or stretch. I know I do. Last night I did several things before I got around to getting on the treadmill for my 30 minute run. All of them were things that "had to be done" before I could get my workout in. Ha! If you know me, I don't have things that "have to be done". In fact, most of the things I "have to do" I do as a very last resort to put of doing something else I don't want to do.

1. Clean the bathroom

2. Empty the dishwasher

3. Vaccuum

4. Take off my nail polish

5. Organize my closet

6. Clean the litter box

7. Review and delete unwanted shows on my DVR

8. Water my plants

9. Update itunes on my computer

10. Call mom to tell her I loved her veggies on Sunday :)

So now that all of the above items are done, I shouldn't have any more excuses right? HA! HA! Next to the above items that I really don't like doing I should add that I hate changing in to workout clothes. It is at the top of my list of excuses for not working out. Why, you ask? I have no idea actually. It's not like I am trying to get scuba gear on. It's shorts and a tank top! How hard can that be? Well, believe me, I have made it a real effort to get changed. I will get all of the items listed above done before I will change my clothes to workout. I just hate doing it. I would rather exercise in my clothes from work...it's not very comfortable though. :)

Maybe if I had cute workout clothes... no, still probably wouldn't want to change to workout. :) Scratch that.

The weirdest thing is that I do like to exercise. I am not quite sure what causes the anxiety in me that prevents me from doing it before I do anything else...especially cleaning the bathroom. I mean, who likes to clean the bathroom?

I love how I feel as I get warmed up and my muscles start to work. The best is once I have been running for about 15-20 minutes and the endorphins kick in (yes, exercise really does release endorphins) and I get into a steady rhythm and nothing else seems to matter.

I feel sad sometimes that the workout is over and wish that I could do it over again. I feel excited knowing that tomorrow is another day to work out and I can't wait for tomorrow to come so that I can. But, knowing me the way that I do, I will start the process all over again when it comes time for the workout to begin. I will find other things to do. I will create excuses to put it off and avoid changing into my workout clothes. Finally, when the clock shows how late it is getting and I know that I could technically just go to bed early and put it off until tomorrow, I will force myself to change clothes, lace up my shoes and push start on the treadmill.

I fight the excuses just like everyone else. I think the key is to not beat myself up over having them. As long as I eventually override the excuses and get the workout done everything will workout just fine and my bathroom will stay very clean. :)


Stephanie Miller

Monday, August 23, 2010

My spirit

Did I fall off the wagon? Of course! But I am human and it's what we do positively with our mistakes that make us a success. I have decided today to make my health and well being more of a priority. I thought that it was about how far I could run or about how good I looked in my clothes. It isn't about that.

I struggle with stress and sometimes it overwhelms me. What the past month has taught me is that i am not indestructable.

Let me back up a bit...at the beginning of the year, I told friends and family they should keep me accountable for showing up to family events, parties, camping trips and any other social gatherings. I am notorious for burning out at the end of a week and flaking on plans. :) Don't do it on purpose, but I love my job and pour all of what I am into it every day. This sometimes leaves me with little left on the weekends to give.

Since my proclomation to attend all events possible and my family's promise to keep me from bowing out, I have discovered that I can't do it all. I love what I do get to do socially and I am happy while I am doing it. When the weekend ends, however, and a new week is dawning, I frantically search my soul for nourishment to get me through another week.

This is what has led me to where I am. I want to be capable of jumping for joy every day that I am employed doing what I love. I want to partake in social gatherings without fear of falling apart before a new week begins. I want to be content, satisfied, fulfilled, and happy. How the heck do I do that?!

By taking better care of myself physically and mentally.

Running is, for some people, about how far they can run or how fast they can run. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. I have just discovered that for me, it is about letting go of stress, getting stronger, building endurance, and channeling my inner spirit.

Who cares if I run in a 5k or a marathon? Who cares if I have skinny, toned thighs? No one. But, there are people who care if I show up to work. Not just my boss, but my clients....and me. There are people who care if I come to their 6th birthday party. Not just my mom, but my first nephew...and me.

So, starting today, I am going to run for health and wellbeing. What does that mean? Well, no heart rate monitor to make sure I burned enough calories is one thing. No running calendar to track how far I went and how long it took is another. I am going to put one foot in front of the other for me.

Remembering what is important in life is key. Skinny jeans, while being able to fit into and look good in them, are not imporatant. :) Being healthy is! Here I go, off into the land of fitness to ensure a healthy, happy, well-balance me. Stay tuned to see how it goes.

Cute Runner Girl
Stephanie Miller